The best places to celebrate Pride

Pride events around the world are vibrant expressions of love, inclusivity, and the ongoing fight for LGBTQ+ rights. From grand parades to poignant vigils, these celebrations draw millions of participants, each contributing to a global chorus of equality and acceptance. Here, we explore some of the most iconic Pride events on the planet, each offering unique experiences and unforgettable moments.

The best places to celebrate Pride


Amsterdam: A weekend celebration on the canals 

Amsterdam's Pride stands out with its iconic Canal Parade, a dazzling spectacle where more than 80 boats traverse the city's picturesque waterways. This event attracts thousands of visitors, transforming Amsterdam into a hub of celebration and solidarity. It's an incredible event that beautifully showcases the spirit of Pride and the unique charm of Amsterdam. 


New York: Birthplace of the Pride movement 

The first Gay Pride Liberation March took place in Manhattan in 1970 to mark the one-year anniversary of the Stonewall Riots, a pivotal moment in LGBTQ+ history. Today, New York's Pride is the largest in North America and one of the biggest in the world. The parade marches through lower Manhattan, along Fifth Avenue, passing the historic Stonewall National Monument. It's a powerful display of unity and progress, a testament to the ongoing fight for LGBTQ+ rights. 


São Paulo: A record-breaking event 

This vibrant city's Pride celebration is renowned as the largest LGBTQ+ event globally, an accolade recognised by the Guinness World Records. Festivities begin three weeks before the main parade, with events and celebrations taking place across the whole city. In 2006, over two and a half million people participated in the parade, showcasing the monumental scale of this celebration. It's is a huge and joyous event that underscores the city's commitment to inclusivity and equality. 


Sydney: A dazzling celebration 

Celebrate in the sun at Sydney's Mardi Gras festival, the premier pride event in Oceania, which lights up the city with a radiant array of celebrations. The iconic Mardi Gras Parade is the centrepiece, but the festivities extend far beyond that. Highlights include the lively Bondi Drag Race and the fun-filled Fair Day, both showcasing joy and unity.


Manchester: Home of Travel Counsellors 

This much-loved city hosts an incredible Pride Festival every year over the Bank Holiday weekend. Canal Street and the Gay Village become the heart of this joyous event, with pop-up stages featuring incredible acts throughout the area. Amidst the lively festivities, the candlelit vigil provides a poignant moment of reflection, honouring the journey and struggles of the LGBTQ+ community. 

To book your next trip, speak to your dedicated Travel Counsellor today and travel with pride. 

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